01244 470860



Summer 2023

English and Maths

In English we will be using a picture book to look at the use of paragraphs, prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs and the use of a or an. We will then move on to using a story book to work on our sentence structure, using a variety of different types of sentences, past and present tense and use of non-fiction headings and sub-headings.


In Maths we will be thinking about using time in real life problems, working out time taken and how to use digital and 24 hour clocks. We will also be using measures including mm, cm, m g, kg, ml and L as well as revising fractions, geometry and the use of money.


The Way, The Truth and The Life

Over the next term we will be celebrating Easter and Pentecost and learning about the Holy Spirit and how it is present in our everyday lives. We will also think about what being a Christian involves, studying different Saints to understand how we should live our lives.  


Foundation Subjects

This term in our art lessons we will be focusing on drawing and painting, more specifically, sketching in art and the use of lines to form texture and shape.

In History we are looking at Ancient Egypt and how they lived all those years ago. We will be looking at different aspects of life including religion, work, play, art and much more.

In Music this term we will be creating our own melodies and responses to music as well as learning a selection of songs for a big performance.

We will discover all about magnets and forces in Science, finding out how magnets act and how this helps use in our everyday life. In our unit on Light we will find out how light behaves and set up experiments to find out about shadows and how they act at different times of the day and why.



In PE we will develop our athletics skills including track and field events as well as our adventure/ orienteering skills and so the children will need their full St Theresa’s P.E. kits on Mondays and Thursdays. This includes a red t-shirt, shorts and black pumps.

‘Fully valuing everyone
in the love of Jesus.
Caring and Learning together.’

Contact Us

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Kipling RoadBlacon, Chester CH1 5UU

Main Contact | Mrs Lisa Holland

01244 470860
