Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Bowen
Teachers :Mrs Bowen
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Stanford (afternoons only)
In our class homework activities will be given out on a Monday and Friday, the children will get two pieces of homework a week. This is to be brought back by the following week. Mrs Shaw will give out homework on a Monday to be returned by the following Monday and Mrs Barnes will give out homework on a Friday to be returned by the following Friday.
Lists will be given out every Friday to be learnt by the following Thursday.
Reading books
Home school reading books should be brought back into school when the children are ready to change them. Reading is still very important, please try to read regularly with your child.
Water Bottles
We do ask you to provide your child with a see through water bottle which they can fill in school if need be. These can be bought in school if you wish. The water bottles must go home each day to be washed in hot soapy water.
The children will need to have their P.E. kits in school for our P.E. lessons on a Wednesday and Friday.