01244 470860



Health, Safety and Pupil Welfare

The school nurse and dentist are regular visitors to the school.  Hearing and eye tests are given, and height and weight measured by the school nurse and dental inspections are carried out from time to time.
The nurse supports teachers in health education worstatk. Children can be referred if necessary to the school doctor.
We ask you to check your child’s hair frequently. This helps prevent an outbreak of head lice infestation. Health authorities recommend regular combing (with an ordinary comb).
We have staff qualified in first aid. In exceptional circumstances some staff will administer drugs if a medical drug administration consent form has been completed by the parent. These can be collected from the school office. Please ensure antibiotic doses are given out of school hours or arrange for an adult to come to school to administer the medicine.
Children with asthma should have their inhalers labelled and should give them to staff who will keep them in a safe place. School will only administer certain medicines e.g. for asthma upon the signing of the school consent form.
Children who are prescribed Ritalin may have it administered once parents have signed a consent form.

When your child is ill

If a child becomes unwell in school, parents will be contacted by telephone so that he/she can be collected. Please supply school with emergency telephone numbers of friends, family members etc who could be contacted if you are unavailable. Please remember to inform school if your telephone number changes.

Medical Information

It is important that teachers know of any special medical factors that affect your child e.g. asthma, eczema, glasses, allergies etc.

Files to Download

‘Fully valuing everyone
in the love of Jesus.
Caring and Learning together.’

Contact Us

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Kipling RoadBlacon, Chester CH1 5UU

Main Contact | Mrs Lisa Holland

01244 470860
