Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mrs Done
Teacher - Mrs Done
Teaching Assistant - Mrs Piercy
English and Mathematics homework will be given out on a Wednesday to be returned the following Monday.
Spellings will be given out on Friday; to be tested on the following Friday.
Reading books:
Home reading books will be sent home and children should return them when they have finished reading them. It is vital that children continue to read at home. Children should be reading a book of their choice for at least 15 minutes each day. Reading records will be checked each Monday.
Year 5 have PE every Thursday and Friday. The children will change into their kit in school. The PE uniform is: red PE T-shirt; school sweatshirt; dark shorts/joggers/tracksuit pants or leggings; and trainers on these days. Hair must be tied back and jewellery taken off.
Welcome to Year 5
Below is an outline of all the brilliant topics we will be studying this half term:
English: Queen of the Falls by Chris Van Allsburg. We will be writing a series of recounts based on the true story.
Mathematics: Place Value, addition and subtraction, Roman numerals
RE: Creation (Genesis)
Science: Forces - gravity, friction, water resistance and air resistance
Guided Reading:
History/Geography: North America - locational and place knowledge of a region in North America (The Great Lakes, Niagara)
PE: Basketball and Tag Rugby
Art/DT: Illustrations
Computing: Computing systems and networks - sharing information
French: All around town
Music: Learning to read music and play an instrument