Getting Ready For School
We are fortunate in having a Nursery Class at St. Theresa’s which means that the children are well prepared to begin their full time education.
Starting school is a big event in the life of your child. It is the start of a whole world of new experiences, new people to meet and new things to learn. Children spend a big part of their life at school. We want them to be happy while they are with us.
It is the teacher’s task to help your child make the change from home to school as smooth as possible. But there are many things that you can do with your child before the ‘first day’ at school, to help him/her adjust to this new world, and to get the most out of all the new learning experience.
- Help your child to play happily with other children.
- When you are out shopping, at home, visiting friends etc. talk to your child, encourage questions and clear speech, and be prepared to listen.
- Children need help to recognise their own printed name. In school we use the smaller letters when writing e.g. Jonathan Brown (not all capitals).
- Clearly mark all uniform so your child can recognise it.
- Visit your local library often, read to your child, tell stories and recite nursery rhymes. This all helps to develop a love of books and reading.
- Encourage your child to eat properly using a knife and fork.
- At home a child is secure and happy. To be equally secure and happy in school your child must be a little independent and feel he/she can cope without you there. Help them to be independent in getting dressed.
- Make sure your child has enough sleep – school can be very tiring
- If you or your child have any worries about school please come and speak to Mrs Kirkman or the teachers.