Code Of Conduct for Governors
All Governors of St Theresa's Catholic Primary School agree and sign The Catholic Education Service 'Code of Conduct for Governors of a Governing Body'.
They sign to say they:
Will preserve and develop the Catholic charactor of the School
Will not act in any way that is detrimental and/or prejudicial to the interest of Catholic Education in the Diocese and the School
Have read, understood and will adhere to this Code of Conduct and to the declaration in Appendix I: Foundation Governor Declaration Form
Will also adhere to Appendix II: The Nolan Principles
Have read and understood any diocesan and legal criteria for appointment and continued eligibility as a governor
Can confirm to the best of my knowledge I am eligible as a governor
Declare that I am not disqualified by law from appointment or eligibility as a governor
Agree to DBS checks and any other relevant checks being conducted that may be required by law or good practice
Understand that any refusal to do so may result in the termination of my appointment
Please see the attachment for the full document.