Pupil Voice for Computing
"We learn how to be safe on the internet." Year 4 child
"We learn how computers work." Year 4 child
"I feel safe on my computer at home because I have a secure pin." Year 6 child
"I don't go on the computer at home without mummy so I am safe." Year 1 child
At St. Theresa’s we endeavour to provide a broad and balanced Computing Curriculum that enables our children to become lifelong explorers of Technology in a socially responsible and safe way.
We strive for children to become autonomous, independent users of computing technology, developing confidence, creativity, resilience, self-evaluation, problem solving and critical thinking skills.
In order to achieve our Intent our Teachers and Leaders will aim for the following in each area.
- Deliver creative computing lessons following the schools ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum. These sessions should be 1 hour a week.
- On top of computing sessions staff should plan at least one cross curricular session where the pupils use technology to enhance learning.
- Ensure online safety is of high importance within each lesson when appropriate or as a standalone lesson.
Evaluate teaching, resources and skills
- seek support from the subject leader when CPD is required
- continue to evaluate Computing Assessment data and curriculum coverage
- gather evidence of children’s work throughout school and from a range of abilities.
- continue to update resources within school to ensure children have access to high quality resources whenever possible.
- constantly review the digital divide does not become a barrier to pupils in their class’s learning especially for the most vulnerable and Pupil Premium
Online Safety
- Share our Online safety rules with pupils at the start of each academic year.
- Continue to develop Online Safety within school.
- Share Online safety with parents when appropriate or needed.
By the time pupil leave Theresa’s they will
- use computing equipment safely and respectfully
- achieve age related expectations in Computing at the end of their cohort year
- have key knowledge and skills in the three main areas of the computing curriculum:
- computer science (programming and understanding how digital systems work)
- information technology (using computer systems to store, retrieve and send information)
- digital literacy (evaluating digital content and using technology safely and respectfully).
- understand and apply the fundamental principles of computer science, including logic, algorithms, data representation, and communication
- analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated progressive practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
- be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology
- always act effectively when their online safety is compromised