School Policies
Files to Download
Admissions Policy September 2024-25.pdf Admissions Policy September 2025-26.pdf Anti-Bullying Policy May 2023.pdf Anti-Bullying Policy.pdf Attendance and Punctuality Policy Oct24.pdf Attendance and Punctuality Statement Sept 2024.pdf Behaviour Policy.pdf Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf Complaints Procedure Policy May22.pdf EQUALITY statement.pdf GDPR Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers.docx GDPR Privacy Notice for Pupils.docx Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2023_-_part_one.pdf Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism.pdf RHE policy 2023.pdf Safeguarding Policy 2023-24.pdf school-health-privacy-policy (2).docx Snow and Bad Weather Plan.docx supporting-pupils-with-medical-needs.pdf Whistle Blowing Policy.pdf