Autumn Term
General Information
Year 5 Homework will be handed out on Wednesday and expected back in by the following Monday. The children will recieve two pieces of homework a week, one English and one Maths. The homework will always be consolidating what the children have learnt during their lessons that week. In addition to homework, spelling lists will be assigned on a Friday. These need to be learnt at home on a daily basis ready for a test the following Friday.
In Year 5, we encourage the children to become free readers. We have a wide selection of books in the classroom which the children can choose from and take home. They are responsible for bringing their books into school and changing them when necessary. Please could you encourage your child to read for at least 15 minutes per day.
We do ask you to provide your child with a water bottle which they can fill in school. The water bottles must go home each day to be washed thoroughly.
Religious Education
Creation: We will be learning about the story of Creation and God's great helpers.
God's Covenants: Learning about the promises God made to his people.
Autumn 1- 'Queen of the Falls' by Chris Van Allsburg. Key features of writing recounts with the end focus of writing a diary entry.
Autumn 2- 'The Lost Happy Ending' by Carol Duffy. Key features of narrative writing, in particular traditional tales.
The key focus this term will be:
Place value: Numbers to 1,000,000, powers of 10, rounding, negative numbers, Roman numerals.
Addition and Subtraction: Mental strategies, add and subtract numbers with more than 4 digits, rounding to check answers, inverse operations, missing numbers, multi-step problems.
Multiplication/Division: Multiples, factors, prime numbers, multiply by 10,100,1000.
Fractions: Equivalent fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers, compare and order fractions, add and subtract fractions including mixed numbers, multiply fractions, fractions of an amount.
Foundation Subjects
Science- We will be investigating forces and begin materials and their properties.
Geography- Looking closely at the location of North America and ariel maps.
History- What do we know about the Anglo Saxons? Why did they invade? Where did they live and how do we know? What can we find out about Sutton Hoo? How did Christianity change people's lives? How did the vikings try to take over? Who was Alfred the Great? How effective was the justice system?
ICT- Sharing information and Vector drawings.
Music- We will be learning to play a new instrument and begin to read music.
Art/D&T- Pen and line drawings of waterfalls, moving objects.
PE- Autumn 1: Basketball and Tag Rugby. Autumn 2: Hockey and Dance
French: All around town - locate some of France’s key cities; say in French what amenities or features are
found in their own town; use multiples of ten and number operations to
do simple calculations; • vary sentences about asking and giving simple
RHE: Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.