01244 470860



Spring 2024

Welcome to our Spring Term!

English and Maths

We will be looking in depth at 2 books this term. In particular, we will be looking at; persuasive writing with the use of adverbs to express time, cause and place, historical fiction thinking about the use of tense and verbs within our writing and the use of inverted commas for speech.

In Maths we will be thinking about using the column method for addition and subtraction, fractions, interpreting data on graphs, perimeter and angles.


The Way, The Truth and The Life

Over the next term we will be covering the Sacrament of reconciliation, thinking about forgiveness and confession. We will also be looking at The Mass and investigating different parts of the Mass and what they mean.


Foundation Subjects

This term in our art lessons we will be focusing on drawing and painting, more specifically, sketching in art and the use of lines to form texture and shape.

In History we will be looking at the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age in history. We will be thinking about their way of life and how it differs to ours. We will be getting creative with cave paintings and becoming archaeologists to find our own fossils. In our geography we will be using maps and our ICT skills to lean about the Arctic and Antarctica.

In Music this term we will be learning about pace a rhythm, creating our own melodies and response to music.

We will discover all about rocks in Science, concentrating on the different types of rocks, how they are made and what fossils are. We will also be covering plants, thinking about what they need to grow well and the different parts of a plant.  

We will become cartoon makers in our Computing lessons, using still frames to create an exciting story.

‘Fully valuing everyone
in the love of Jesus.
Caring and Learning together.’

Contact Us

St Theresa's Catholic Primary School

Kipling RoadBlacon, Chester CH1 5UU

Main Contact | Mrs Lisa Holland

01244 470860
