Spring Term
Spring Term
Year 5 Homework will be handed out on Friday and expected back in before the following Friday. The children will recieve two pieces of homework a week, one English and one Maths. The homework will always be consolidating what the children have learnt during their lessons that week. In addition to homework, spelling lists will be handed out on a Monday. These need to be learnt at home on a daily basis ready for a test the following Monday.
In Year 5, we encourage the children to become free readers. We have a wide selection of books in the classroom which the children can choose from and take home. They are responsible for bringing their books into school and changing them when necessary. Please could you encourage your child to read for at least 20 minutes per day.
We do ask you to provide your child with a water bottle which they can fill in school. The water bottles must go home each day to be washed thoroughly.
Religious Education
Inspirational People; Reconcilition
This term includes the journey through lent leading up to Easter Sunday
Spring 1- 'Arthur and the Golden Rope ' by Joe Todd-Stanton. Key features of writing myths with the end focus of writing a myth based on the Vikings.
Sring 2- 'The Darkest Dark' by Chris Hadfield. Key features of biography writing, with the end focus on writing being a biography about the Canadian astronaut, Chris Hadfield.
The key focus this term will be:
Multiplication/Division: Short multiplication; Long multiplication; short division up to 4 digits showing remainders, problem solving. Fractions/Decimals: Decimal place value; Rounding decimals; Equivalent decimals; fractions; percentages; Rounding; Add/ Subtract decimals with 2 places. |
Measures: Measure accurately with a range of equipment; Convert between units of metric measures; Convert imperial measures to metric equivalents. Geometry: Perimeter/Area of compound rectilinear shapes; Estimate area; Estimate Volume/Capacity Re-cap: Analogue/Digital time |
Foundation Subjects
Science- Our first science topic is to continue 'Materials & their properties'. Our second topic is 'Earth & Space' which links with our English writing theme.
Geography- Looking Lines of longitude and latitude using globes and maps
History - Anglo-Saxons/ Vikings and Christian conversion
Computing- Programming A - selection in physical computing; Data and information - looking at flat-file databases
Music- Exploring key and time signatures; Introducing chords.
Art/D&T- Art Sculpture; mechanisms - pulleys and gears.
PE- Spring 1: Swimming/ handball. Spring 2: Tennis/ Football
French: Going shopping - Listen and respond to topic vocabulary; Answer questions using the topic vocabulary; • Take part in role play as a shopper/shopkeeper; speaking in French; Greet and respond
RHE: Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this module explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe both online and in our daily lives.